Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, we have access to huge range of products that are not on the web site. We are constantly updating our list of available products but if you’ve seen a product somewhere then we’ll be able to source it for you.

In most cases we deliver directly to you ourselves or we organize delivery to your premises. If you’re outside the Perth metro area then we can organize freight for you. We can also do interstate deliveries too.

We have a returns and warranty policies which you can see on our website, after reading through these you could start the process by giving us a call to discuss the best way forward.

Yes we can do custom builds. This is one of the areas we believe makes us a great option as we will come to site and see what your needs & requirements are, design a solution to accommodate these requirements & give it to you for approval. We then manufacture the custom unit and deliver it to site ready for putting to work.

We deal with many different manufacturers and they each have their own warranty policies however most of the products we provide have at least a 1 year warranty & some have up to 5 years warranty. If it’s not stated on the product page then please ask & we’ll be more than happy to give you the information.

This varies for every product, most of the trolleys & forklift attachments are kept in stock locally so delivery is made within a couple of days. Custom made products usually take 6 – 8 weeks to be completed, this includes cranes as they are all custom manufactured to suit your requirements. If you have a particular date you require something to be completed by please let us know so we fulfill your expections.

Yes quite a lot of the equipment we manufacture and sell gets financed, if you would like an introduction we know some very experienced equipment brokers that will gladly provide you with a no obligation quote for finance.