Risk Assessment: Moving Sacks by Hand vs. Using a Vacuum Lifter Introduction: The purpose of this risk assessment is to compare the risks associated with moving sacks by hand versus using a vacuum lifter. The assessment will take into account the potential for musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) as well as other potential hazards. Method: This risk assessment will be based on a review of literature on the topic, as well as observations of workers moving sacks by hand and using a sack lifter. The assessment will also consider the cost-benefit of using the sack lifter. Assessment of Risks: Manual Handling of Sacks:
  • Workers may experience back pain, muscle strains, and other MSDs due to the repetitive lifting and carrying of heavy sacks.
  • The risk of injury increases with the weight of the sack and the number of times it needs to be lifted.
  • Workers may also be at risk of slips, trips, and falls while carrying heavy sacks.
Use of a Vacuum Lifter:  
  • The use of a vacuum lifter can significantly reduce the risk of MSDs by reducing the need for manual lifting and carrying of heavy sacks.
  • The Sack lifter also reduces the risk of slips, trips, and falls while carrying heavy sacks.
Cost-Benefit Analysis:
  • The cost of a vacuum lifter may be a significant investment for some companies, however when compared to the cost of an injury to a worker it’s very cheap.
  • The reduced risk of MSDs can result in significant cost savings in terms of workers’ compensation and lost productivity.
  • The use of a vacuum lifter can also increase productivity and efficiency, further offsetting the cost of the investment.
  • Added to this list is worker satisfaction, as the job isn’t nearly as bad as it seemed previously.
Conclusion: The risk assessment indicates that the use of a vacuum lifter can significantly reduce the risk of MSDs and other hazards associated with manual handling of sacks. The cost-benefit analysis suggests that investing in a vacuum lifter can ultimately result in cost savings, increased productivity and worker satisfaction. Therefore, companies that frequently handle heavy sacks should consider the use of a vacuum lifter to protect the health and safety of their workers.